Category Archives: Podcasts

From Slave to Son

Jesus cannot intercede for us based on our own worth. He cannot intercede for us based on our merit. We don’t deserve heaven; we don’t deserve a relationship with God. Jesus Christ intercedes for us not based on our worth, not based on our innocence, but based on his relationship with the Father. Christ appeals to God for us based on his own perfect and eternal relationship with the Father. He is asking God to receive us not because of who we are, but because of who he is. – Pastor Keith Lloyd

Making Marriage Magnify the Mystery

Today’s message is a continuation of Pastor Keith’s series entitled Offensive Christianity.

”A Christian husband and wife…  who have a willingness to walk the way forward by recognizing the worth of each other, and by using their words to help and heal, will be a weighty witness of the Gospel, helping to win the lost to Christ’s love.”

Deadly Desire vs Delightful Design

Today’s message is a continuation of Pastor Keith’s series entitled Offensive Christianity.

“If I know that you are about to run your life off a cliff, I’m going to do everything I can to stop you from going off that cliff.  I’m going to sound the sirens, I’m going to blow the horns, I’m going to light up the lights.  I want you to know that you are on a path that leads you away from God and to destruction.  We cannot be silent.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

Stern Rebuke of the Sexual Revolution

“When a nation turns its back on God and his authority, they begin to become depraved in their mind sexually, and it is a mark of apostasy. It leaves us in danger of destruction. If we stay on the current path that we are on, the judgement of God is going to fall” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

Sexuality: Sweep Ya Porch Before Ya Preach!

“Here’s the reality, If we embrace our calling as the salt of the earth and the light of the world, we will be offensive to a culture that’s walking in darkness and deception. If we begin to proclaim truth, If we begin to live truth, we will be offensive.”– Pastor Keith Lloyd

“If you’re entertained by the same thing you pretend to be repulsed by, you’re a hypocrite.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

How To Be A Godly Husband

“Our first and primary relationship is with Christ but, our second most important relationship, men, is with our wives. I believe, when we fulfil our God ordained role as the head of the home, the leader in the home, and as the Godly husband God has called us to be, not only do we honor our wives, we honor Christ.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

Contending for the Faith

“There is an all-out assault on biblical, authoritative, evangelical bible believing Christianity.  You can embrace any watered down version thereof, that you like, and you will be accepted in the eyes of the world. However, if you believe what the bible says, plus nothing, minus nothing, you will be the target of assault.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd