All posts by admin

When the Glory Departs

“We’re losing our country to a loud, proud, unrelenting, immoral, ungodly, liberal,
socialist, demonically-deceived minority… because too many so-called Bible believing
“Christians” have been too quiet, too passive, too apathetic, and too afraid
to stand up and speak out… and because a bunch of lily-lipped, limp-wristed, noodlespined, pseudo-preacherettes haven’t taught them any better. I’m fed up with ALL of the above.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

3) I Will Serve & Give With Others

“I Will Serve & Give With Others” is the third in Pastor Keith’s latest sermon series entitled, Say “I Will”

“Over the next few weeks, with the Lord’s help and blessing, I want to challenge Christians to make (or renew) some simple, practical commitments to Christ and His Church.

It’s easy for all of us to get apathetic. We need seasons of refreshing and revival and re-commitment to renew our zeal. I pray this is one of those seasons.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

2) I Will Grow With Others

I Will Grow With Others” is the second in Pastor Keith’s latest sermon series entitled, Say “I Will”

“Over the next few weeks, with the Lord’s help and blessing, I want to challenge Christians to make (or renew) some simple, practical commitments to Christ and His Church.

It’s easy for all of us to get apathetic. We need seasons of refreshing and revival and re-commitment to renew our zeal. I pray this is one of those seasons.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

1) I Will Worship With Others

Today Pastor Keith begins a new sermon series entitles, Say “I Will”

Over the next few weeks, with the Lord’s help and blessing, I want to challenge Christians to make (or renew) some simple, practical commitments to Christ and His Church.

It’s easy for all of us to get apathetic. We need seasons of refreshing and revival and recommitment to renew our zeal. I pray this is one of those seasons.