Category Archives: Podcasts

The Porter

“One of the greatest ways that I know, to get to know, the Holy Spirit, who he is, and what he does, is to consider what he is called and what he is compared to in scripture.  The scripture ascribes to Him names, and compares him to things.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

“The Porter” is number 21 in Pastor Keith’s sermon series, Journey With Jesus

The Unction of Our Function

“You cannot become like Christ without the work of the Holy Spirit in you and through you.  It is impossible for us to genuinely become Christ like without the Holy Spirit as our unction, giving us the ability to truly function as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

“The Unction of Our Function” is number 20 in Pastor Keith’s Sermon series: Journey With Jesus.

Spiritual Benefits of Eatin’ Meetins’

“Our relationships with each other, to make a general statement, is pretty superficial. That is, we are not growing in our relationships with each other. I think primarily, as the church grows, it becomes more difficult for us to do.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

Listen today as Pastor Keith preaches on growing together in our relationships with Jesus and with each other.