Category Archives: Podcasts

Moving Forward, Not Sliding Back

The devil does not sleep; he’s always on the prowl. He’s always looking for those that are weak. He’s always looking for those that are weary.  He’s always looking for those that have gone to sleep at the wheel when they should have been watching and praying.

Backsliding has the potential for significant and serious consequences.  Not only for you but all those that you are supposed to be leading. – Pastor Keith Lloyd

Don’t Be A Demas!

“For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; 2 Timothy 4:10a

“The moment that you stop growing spiritually is the moment that you start dying spiritually.  The moment that you begin to feed your flesh is the moment that you starve your spirit. The reverse is also true.  When you begin to feed your spirit you begin to starve your flesh.  The message is simple today; don’t be a Demas. Don’t be one that turns your back on the truth and begins to pursue worldly ways again.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd