Category Archives: Podcasts

You Ought to Walk Like Jesus Walked

“The scripture makes it abundantly clear, that because of what Christ has done for us, there are some things that we ought to do for him.  When you say ought to do, that’s not a recommendation or a suggestion.  Because of what Christ has done for us, we owe him, we are bound to him, it is our duty.  We are indebted to him because of what he has done for us. The scripture is clear, because of what Jesus did for us on the cross and saving us by his grace, we ought to live our lives for him.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd

A Memorial Of Sacrifice

“For 240 plus years America’s heroes have been leaving their families, their homes, their friends. They have been fighting and dying on fields of battle on foreign soil doing all they can do for those that they love.

The very least that we can do is cherish and exercise the very freedoms that they fought and died to preserve.  And the very least we can do is pause on Memorial Day to reflect on the price they paid for our freedom and be grateful as a nation.” – Pastor Keith Lloyd